I lost my username and/or password. How can I retrieve it?
If you have forgotten your username and/or password for the domain you registered, you can request it via email.
Visit the LowPriceDomains.com site. There is a "Forgot your Password?"
section, where you can enter your email address. We will email your
username and password immediately.
IMPORTANT- Depending on your mail system, it may take some time to
receive, usually no longer than 15 minutes. You must enter the email
address you used at the time of registration. If you have forgotten the
username and password, AND your email address is incorrect or out of
date, you will have to provide the last 4 digits of the credit card used
to register the name. Also provide the new, correct email address so
that we can update your info and send your username and password.
If you have forgotten your username and password, AND your email address
is incorrect or out of date, AND you cannot verify your credit card
information, you will be asked to provide proof of ownership and
We will first need a written request to provide access to the domain.
Accompany this request with a valid photo ID (passport, drivers license,
etc.) If the domain is registered to a company, we will need the
signatory page of the articles of incorporation for that company. All of
this information is required for security reasons. If you cannot
provide any or all of this information, you will not be able to get
access to this domain. Please fax all of this information to
itsyourdomain.com (the Domain Registraton company) at (847) 895-4123.
Include your contact information (email and phone), so that they may
verify the information's validity.
How can I check the status of my transfer? How do I re-send the admin approval email?
Please contact us at support @ websitesource.com and ask for a status
report on your domain transfer order through LowPriceDomains.com
(Website Source Hosting sister company).
My transfer got denied by my previous registrar. Can I resubmit it?
Yes, please contact us at support @ websitesource.com and request that we re-submit the transfer.
Some of the most common reasons for your prior registrar denying the transfer include:
- Not answering their confirmation email in time.
- Not answering their confirmation email in the proper format.
- The domain is expired or otherwise locked due to nonpayment.
Article ID: 1101, Created: April 19, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Modified: January 3, 2013 at 12:58 PM